Welcome to our website, the ultimate solution for testing bearer token authentication! Bearer tokens are an essential part of modern web application security, used to authenticate and authorize users' access to sensitive resources. However, setting up and testing bearer token authentication can be a challenging and time-consuming process.
That's where our website comes in - we provide a simple, user-friendly platform to test bearer token authentication in a safe and secure environment. Our website is designed to simulate real-world scenarios, allowing you to test your bearer token authentication implementation and identify potential vulnerabilities before deploying your application.
With our website, you can easily generate bearer tokens and test them against your API endpoints, making sure that only authorized users can access your protected resources. Our platform provides detailed feedback on the authentication process, highlighting any issues that may arise and providing suggestions on how to fix them.
Whether you are a developer or a security professional, our website is the perfect tool to test your bearer token authentication implementation. So, start testing today and ensure that your application is secure and protected!
    default token expiry is 60 seconds    
        POST /login
        {"username":"name","password":"pass", "expires_in": 180}

        POST /login?expires_in=120
        Authorization: Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0
        GET /check
        Header: Authorization: Bearer {token}
        (You can also use POST or PUT)